It's a journey of self discovery, healing and hope. It's letting go from the inside out.
I moved into a new apartment and had way too much stuff and really wanted a fresh start. Faith never let me get stressed during the process. She is great at helping you get rid of stuff without making you feel bad. The session honestly felt like THERAPY. I am so much happier in my space and owe it all to her!”
Faith has been amazing in helping me to detach my emotions from my “stuff” and finally start getting my life in order here in NYC. Her compassion as well as fantastic sense of humor has given me the ability to clean out my closets and storage and gain space and clarity not only in my apartment but in my mind."
I’m currently in a life transition, I’m entering a new career and I’m going through some great personal changes as well. I needed to purge a lot of things in my life, but I knew the first step was my home. I was nervous about having someone else in my house, but I really could not be happier with the entire experience and results.
Faith and her team are worth every penny. Be prepared, they will get into your stuff, motivating you to meet your goals. It's not easy to do that with a stranger, but her team is warm, professional and encouraging. Expect to do the work! Organize with Faith aims to give their clients sustainable, lasting tools so you get out of it what you put in.
Soul work through physical action.
Organize with Faith lays the foundation for decluttering and organizing your home. Our services are designed to help you clear clutter and set intentions for your space.