1. Declutter
Soul | Work sessions are designed to mindfully coach you on how to remove clutter both physically and personally.

2. Organize
Home | Work DIY, Home Organization, and Move Management services are designed to organize your space based on your needs.

3. Repeat
Organize With Faith clients receive continued support via virtual workshops, workbooks, and our community forum.
Soul | Work is designed to remove clutter both physically and personally. This purging process is about letting go of items that no longer serve you.
Soul | Work sessions include:
a digital workbook
on-site declutter assistance
coaching and emotional support throughout the decluttering process
removal of unwanted belongings at the end of each session.
Interested in scheduling a declutter session? Book a free virtual consultation to learn more.
Home | Work is designed to empower you with the information you need to independently organize your space.
This organization process is a supported hands on approach to create the home that you desire.
Home | Work Do It Yourself includes:
a list of specific tasks to maximize space
zoning + organization placement instructions and PDF
suggested purchase list
e-mail correspondence throughout your organization journey.
Private coaching and virtual sessions with Faith
Interested in organizing your home yourself? Book a free virtual consultation to learn more.
Home Organization is a full service that Organize With Faith associates provide. Based on your needs Organize With Faith will build a functional and efficient home for you and your family to enjoy.
Home Organization includes:
Client Consultation and Walk-Through
On-site organization with 2-3 Organize With Faith associates
Measurements and detailed product list
Installation of products
Interested in having Organize With Faith organize your home? Book a free virtual consultation to learn more.
Move Management is designed to support you through transition. Organize with Faith will manage the most stressful parts of moving.
Move Management includes:
Client Consultation and Walk-Through
Management of moving co.
Correspondence with Resident Managers
Submitting Certificates of Insurance, reserving elevators
Marking furniture placement
Unpacking and organizing belongings
Interested in move management? Book a free virtual consultation to learn more.